Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 5 Focus of Prayer & Urgent Need - Ask for the Holy Spirit

Day 5 – Prayer Focus - Tuesday, March 31, 2020 

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke 11:13 “ 

The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the church is looked forward to as in the future; but it is the privilege of the church to have it now. Seek for it, pray for it, believe for it. We must have it, and Heaven is waiting to bestow it.” The Review and Herald, March 19, 1895. 

1. Pray for those who have been newly diagnosed with COVID-19. Pray for wisdom for treatment methods to take. 

2. Pray for Adventist church members to be foremost in modeling healthy lifestyle practices and natural ways to boost the immune system like eating lots of fruits and vegetables, taking hot and cold contrast showers, and opening the windows to breathe in fresh air. 

3. Pray for us as a church to know how to effectively use and share our health message, the “right arm of the gospel,” with online health education, videos, and other creative avenues of outreach. 

4. Pray that rather than using this extended time at home to binge on secular entertainment, we would use this time to study God’s Word, to pray, and to read books and watch videos that will grow our faith. 

5. Pray for churches worldwide to develop plans to keep church members connected during times of isolation.

Message from Elder Ted Wilson

Day 4 Focus of Prayer & Urgent Need - Not Afraid

Not Afraid!

“You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.” Ps. 91:6-7
“Faith grows strong by coming into conflict with doubts and opposing influences. The experience gained in these trials is of more value than the most costly jewels.” Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 555

Heart Questions:

What are some practical ways that we can combat fear? What about claiming Bible promises, singing songs, and reflecting on God's leading in our past? Share with someone a time when God carried you through a difficult trial and how your faith grew through that experience. As we reflect on His leading in the past, we will have renewed confidence for the future. 
Day 4 - Prayer Focus
1. Pray that God would fulfill the promises of Psalm 91 and put a hedge around His children, protecting them from the coronavirus plague overtaking our world.
2. Pray that this world crisis would be a turning point in church history, and that people’s eyes would be opened to the nearness of Jesus’ soon coming.
3. Pray for those living in cramped quarters in large cities, that they will find creative ways to stay healthy and connected with others. Pray especially for the children who are stuck indoors.
4. Pray for wisdom for the many decisions facing our worldwide church leadership right now. Pray for divine wisdom for these challenging times.
5. Pray for wisdom for our government and world leaders during these difficult times. Pray that there would be a genuine seeking after God among top leaders and government officials.

Day 3 - Focus of Prayer & Urgent Need - Search Me, O God, and Know my Heart!

Calling on Jesus in Our Urgent Need

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.” Ps. 139:23, 24
“There is nothing that Satan fears so much as that the people of God shall clear the way by removing every hindrance, so that the Lord can pour out His Spirit upon a languishing church.... Every temptation, every opposing influence, whether open or secret, may be successfully resisted, “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6). Selected Messages, vol. 1, p. 124

Heart Questions:

What are some practical ways we can allow God to search our heart? Sometimes it's good to slow down and have extra time for reflection, but for many this is a time of great fear and uncertainty. How can we encourage and reach out to those who may be feeling very alone during this Coronavirus pandemic?

Day 3 - Prayer Focus

1. Pray that we would take David’s prayer in Psalm 139 personally, asking the Lord if there is anything standing between Him and us. If the Holy Spirit reveals something, pray that we would confess and make things right with God or others.
2. Pray that we would live in faith, not fear, no matter the circumstances around us.
3. Pray for provision for those who are losing jobs, getting laid off, or wondering where their next meal will come from if they can’t go to work. Pray that God would sustain and provide for their daily needs as He promises to do in Isa. 33:16 and Phil. 4:19.
4. Pray for the refugees and those stuck living on the streets right now. Pray that church members worldwide would seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the needy.
5. Pray that church leaders and members everywhere would see this pause in meetings and agendas as an opportunity to cultivate a deeper personal walk with Jesus while there is still time.

Day 2 Prayer Focus & Urgent Need - Jesus Gives Peace

1. Pray that fear would be replaced with peace, and that we as a people would stand strong in the midst of chaos, trusting that God is in control.
2. Pray for those in China who are still dealing with the after effects of the Coronavirus or who have lost loved ones in this pandemic. Pray for hope and comfort in the midst of the pain.
3. Pray for church members in Kenya, and other African countries, who are struggling because their open-air markets are closing.
4. Pray for literature evangelists, preachers, teachers, Bible workers, and others who may not be able to carry on the same face-to-face ministry as before. Pray for divine wisdom and ideas for new ways to minister.
5. Pray for the churches that have been closed because of the virus. Pray that congregations will find ways to stay “together” through internet live-streaming and witnessing in appropriate “social distancing” ways.

Calling on Jesus in Our Urgent Need!

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
“The enemy can never take out of the hand of Christ the one who is simply trusting in His promises.” Review and Herald, Feb. 3, 1903

Heart Questions:

What is the Peace that Jesus offers?
How can we put our trust in God's promises today?

Day 1 - The urgency of our need to pray

Day 1 – Prayer Focus – Friday, March 27, 2020

1. Pray for God’s church to stand strong in the midst of the great COVID-19 health crisis facing our world. Pray for our many health professionals, doctors, nurses, and others working around the clock to save lives.

2. Pray for our church members especially in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, as these are the hardest hit regions of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe.

3. Pray for church members and health care workers in New York City, one of the hardest hit regions in the United States.

4. Pray that the coronavirus pandemic would stop spreading, and that God would hear the cries of His people and heal our land.

5. Pray that in the midst of the chaos Christians worldwide would sense the nearness of Jesus' soon return and press the heavenly throne in prayer pleading for the Holy Spirit.

100 Days of Prayer Message for Week 1 - Our urgent need: To call upon Jesus - By Mark Finley